TEHRAN – Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA) and the Commercial Department of the Iraqi Embassy in Tehran have agreed on forming a joint trade committee in the near future, the TCCIMA portal reported.

As reported, the decision was made in a meeting between the TCCIMA Head Masoud Khansari and the Iraqi Ambassador to Tehran Nasir Abdul Mohsen Abdullah on Monday.

Based on the proposal made by the TCCIMA head during the meeting, this joint committee will examine and assess the problems and demands of the two countries’ businessmen and offer solutions accordingly to facilitate economic cooperation between the two sides.

Referring to the establishment of joint trade committees between the TCCIMA and some of the embassies of neighboring countries, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Armenia, Khansari stated that despite the high level of Iran’s economic relations with Iraq, there are still some problems and obstacles in the way of the two countries’ traders, and establishing a joint trade committee between the TCCIMA and the Iraqi embassy will improve the level of trade by addressing such problems.

Khansari also announced TCCIMA’s readiness to set up a desk in the Iraqi embassy to facilitate economic relations between the businessmen of the two countries and reminded that TCCIMA is also ready to establish a corresponding desk for the commercial department of the Iraqi embassy in TCCIMA.

The official also announced the Tehran chamber’s preparations for hosting an Iraqi trade delegation headed by the chairman of Baghdad Chamber of Commerce in the coming months.

“Issues and solutions for improving the economic relations between the two countries’ private sectors will be discussed in a meeting with the head of the Iraqi Chamber of Commerce,” he said.

“One of the suggestions of the Tehran chamber in this meeting will be to create a joint virtual exhibition to introduce and identify the production and economic capabilities of the two countries,” he added.

Abdullah for his part expressed the full readiness of his embassy to cooperate with TCCIMA in order to resolve the existing problems and obstacles in the way of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

“According to the agreement between the governments of the two countries for increasing the volume of trade between the two countries to $20 billion, the private sectors of the two countries can be the means for this leap.”

Source: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/457915/TCCIMA-Iraqi-embassy-agree-to-form-joint-trade-committee