Entries by Kamran Mokhtari

U.S. grants BP, Serica license to run Iran-owned North Sea field

LONDON (Reuters) – The United States has granted BP and Serica Energy a new license to run a North Sea gas field partly owned by Iran in a rare exemption by U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration as it prepares to renew sanctions on Tehran next month. The waiver extension will allow Serica to complete the […]

Qatar Airways commits to Iran flights despite sanctions

DOHA: US sanctions on Iran will not impact Qatar Airways’ flights to the Islamic republic, the airline’s boss Akbar Al-Baker said on Monday. Speaking at a high-profile business conference in the Qatari capital Doha, Baker said services to Iran would continue despite a tightening economic and political squeeze on Iran by Washington. “Aviation is not […]

Europe steps up drive to exempt Swift from Iran sanctions

Europe steps up drive to exempt Swift from Iran sanctions European finance ministers will try to persuade the Trump administration not to cut off Iran’s access to Swift, the global financial messaging service, in meetings with Steven Mnuchin, the US Treasury secretary, at the IMF gathering in Bali this week. The Trump administration is due […]

Oman and Iran’s Sanctions

Oman to go ahead with Iran gas pipeline project despite U.S. sanctions TEHRAN – Muscat plans to move ahead with the natural gas pipeline project in Iran, hopeful that U.S. sanctions on Iran will strictly target oil. As reported by Gulf Times, Oman’s Oil Minister Mohammed Al-Rumhy declared, “We are still going ahead” with the […]

ICJ set to hold hearings over U.S. seizure of Iran’s assets

TEHRAN – On Monday the International Court of Justice starts holding hearings over Tehran’s complaint against the U.S. for seizing Iran’s assets. In June 2016, Iran announced that it had filed a formal complaint with the ICJ to recover nearly $2 billion in assets frozen in the United States. “The government of the Islamic Republic […]

Iran parliament approves historic bill on accession to CFT

Iranian lawmakers on Sunday approved a bill on the country’s accession to Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) standards set by the FATF (Financial Action Task Force). The parliament’s open session debating the CFT kicked off on Sunday morning with 268 lawmakers in attendance. Reportedly, a total of 143 lawmakers voted in favor of the […]

Us Sanctions and Renewable Energy in Iran

The head of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization of Iran – a state-owned entity also known as Satba – announced the Energy Ministry’s readiness for attracting foreign investors in the country’s renewable sector. Staba chief, Mohammad Sadeghzadeh, noted that the government welcomes foreign investments in the renewable ventures in a bid to increase […]

EU’s Juncker defends Iran nuclear deal despite US sanctions

EU’s Juncker defends Iran nuclear deal despite US sanctions TEHRAN, Oct. 06 (MNA) – The European Union should remain strong on its commitment to the Iran nuclear deal and not be swayed by a change in policy from the United States, the head of the European Commission said in a speech Friday. Jean-Claude Juncker gave […]

New US Sanctions

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The new US sanctions will not have a major effect on Iran’s financial and oil activity, Iranian Central Bank Governor said Friday. “The US government has already done what it wanted. The main work related to the imposition of restrictions, what they do every day, is to hinder Iran’s financial activities and the exports of Iranian […]

India to keep buying Iranian oil despite US sanctions

India to keep buying Iranian oil despite US sanctions India will buy 9 million barrels of Iranian oil in November, two industry sources said, indicating the world’s third-biggest oil importer will continue purchasing crude from the Islamic Republic despite US sanctions coming into force on 4 November. “Refiners have placed November nominations to lift 1.25 million […]