Iraq chamber

Baghdad, Sep 28 (Prensa Latina) The head of the Trade Chambers Federation of Iraq, Jaafar Hamdani, asserted that his country will not accompany U.S. economic sanctions on Iran, say today news media in this capital.


Hamdani heads a delegation that began last Tuesday a visit to the neighboring country to agree on formulas to carry on the bilateral trade.

With such purpose, the official asserted that relations between Iran and Iraq keep on developing, despite the boycott decreed by the U.S. government against Tehran.

‘We are trying top facilitate exports of Iran to Iraq, for which a joint committee was created to improve the level of exchange’, he stressed.

The visitor, according to local media, said that in 2017, trade between Iran and Iraq totaled five billion 250 million dollars and in the first seven months of this year, trade increased to seven billion dollars.

That last figure, he continued, indicates the will of both parts to increase cooperation.

Hamdani advanced that the Islamic Republic of Iran can use Iraqi soil as a door out to export their products to other countries.

‘Iran and Iraq are one united nation and the aid of the Islamic Republic to face the Islamic State (terrorist organization) and expel it was very important and should thank it’, he stated.