Legal Feasibility of Projects
Before investing, starting a new business or developing an existing activity, finding the answer of two questions is essential.
- Is your business activity justifiable?
- What is your practical business plan for turning a business idea into a business activity?
The answer to the first question will be given to you through Feasibility Studies.
The answer to the second question will be given to you by a business plan.
The results of the Feasibility Studies are the foundation of the business plan. In fact, once it became clear that the project is feasible, the business plan outlines a roadmap on how to create and develop the business activities.
Prior to any investment, Feasibility Studies are a must for carrying out any economic activity.
These studies may be conducted with different intentions. However, the main reason of studying is to investigate the feasibility of the project.
The outlines of the Feasibility Studies include:
- Technical Feasibility:
These studies are carried out to determine if there is required technical expertise for the implementation of the project or not.
- Legal Feasibility:
These studies examine whether a proposed system is consistent with the legal requirements or not.
- Economic Feasibility:
These studies examine whether a project is profitable or not.
- Time Feasibility:
These studies are done to estimate the time needed for running the projects and accordingly, the source planning will be done.
The department of the Feasibility Studies at Daad & Kherad Law Firm is ready to provide the clients with the following professional services including:
A. The plan will be studied in terms of legality and legal feasibility. Examining legal requirements and legal barriers, as well as studying the licenses that are legally required for implementing a project are the important parts of the feasibility studies for a project and it can be said these studies should be considered as the basis before proceeding to other studies and topics.
All the required studies in this section are provided by professional lawyers and with the use of experts’ opinions in the related field at Daad & Kherad Law Firm.
B. The framework and required topics for studying will be determined and the plan for concluding the contracts will be prepared by Daad & Kherad specialized team.
C. The company or individuals qualified to carry out the technical and economic studies will be either identified and introduced with regard to the field of investment or the qualification of the team or the corporation responsible for doing the feasibility studies and the ability for accomplishing the project will be ascertained.
D. A comprehensive contract for various stages of the studies and the project implementation will be set up by Daad & Kherad Law Firm and the legal, technical and the quality of the implementation of the project will be monitored as well.
E. The results of the studies will be evaluated and compliance and non-compliance with the demands of the employer or the related public and private standards will be determined.
F. Finally, if the wrong information or analysis of the executors caused you damages, our professional lawyers at Daad & Kherad Law Firm will legally sue them due to their failure and will claim the damages for you.
For more information, please contact us.